
Yes, You Can: a Path to Recovery and Self-Discovery

Written by Drive Cares | April 24, 2019

Kaden is no stranger to life’s challenges. In 2014, Kaden made the life-changing decision that, to live his best life, he needed to do so as a male. With his wife’s support, Kaden’s transgender journey began.

In 2015, Kaden’s weight became a challenge. Weighing over 320lbs., Kaden knew that something had to change. To undergo his first surgery, a double mastectomy, he needed to be under 300lbs. Determined to lead a healthier lifestyle, he started to walk more, began jogging and eventually participated in 5K road races. Kaden even ran his first Disney race one-month post-op! In two years, Kaden lost over 50lbs.

Then, in 2017, the unexpected happened. What doctors first thought was a meniscus tear, would end up being another life-altering challenge. During Kaden’s first surgery, the surgeons discovered that the damage was much worse than anticipated. The cartilage defect of the knee joint would need repairing, and he’d need another surgery.

Kaden’s recovery from his first surgery was incredibly hard. His right quad failed him, and he was unable to walk unassisted for months. Kaden’s next surgery would have to wait until he got stronger. Ten months later, his hard work had paid off. While he still wasn’t strong enough for his second surgery, he was taking his first, unassisted steps. Kaden began hitting the gym two hours a day to build his strength and endurance to ensure that he could handle a second surgery and, more importantly, a rigorous recovery.

Kaden’s second surgery was a success, and his recovery has been much better than the last with only a slight quad failure. Being as active as possible was very important to Kaden! First, he learned to walk again with crutches, then he graduated to a walker/rollator. The Duet walker/rollator has helped Kaden feel independent and participate in daily activities like walking his dog and preparing meals. Kaden also plans to visit the beach more often as well.

Kaden never thought he’d need a mobility aid or some of the other products that he purchased to assist in his recovery, but he’s grateful to have them, because getting stronger and living a full life are his top priorities! Kaden uses an exercise peddler to strengthen his arms and legs, overbed tables to help him read and work hassle free, and a bath safety chair for privacy and freedom!

Now with a healthy mind and body, Kaden has lost a total of 80lbs. and aspires to become a motivational speaker. He knows what it’s like to face challenges and the importance of having the courage to take the first steps toward something bigger and better. It all starts with the simple notion of telling yourself that you can. With the walker/rollator by his side, Kaden is on his way to a successful recovery and beginning a new chapter of life.

The products that are helping aid in Kaden’s recovery are the: Duet Rollator, overbed table and folding exercise peddler.